Schooling for underprivileged kids

Teaching is LOVE in its purest form!

Reincarnation Association works with the most disadvantaged local communities, sensitizing and educating them about the rights of children to help them understand that children are meant to be at school and not work.

We counsel parents from humble backgrounds to send their children to school and assist them through the admission process. We make sure more and more children are sent to school and sponsor these children complete education, schooling, books, uniform etc.

How we do it: In schools, we ensure and take accountability of the development of these kids. We make learning fun. We impart learning by using child-friendly and interactive learning methods. We set libraries and infrastructure right, conduct computer and English classes, promote and facilitate extra-curricular activities and sports. We map out-of-school children and ensure their enrollment in age-appropriate classes. In classrooms, we encourage and help children to undertake learning activities in groups. This makes the entire experience much more fun and promotes healthy competition.

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