Clay Therapy with orphanage kids

Clay Therapy with orphanage kids by Intern Sunaina Majumdar from Christ University, Ghaziabad:
Clay therapy is a form of active psychotherapy where unidentified and unexpressed feelings and emotions become visible through physical manipulation of clay. Working with clay in therapy is powerful because worries that previously have caused inner concern or turmoil are given shape and form in the outer world.
Clay Therapy enables communication when problems are hard to put into words.
This works as a universal language and is especially helpful when working with issues such as anger, loss, harassment, bullying, shame, guilt etc.
This touching of earth in the form of clay frequently initiates brain communication whereby forgotten ideas and buried experiences and memories are activated bringing them more into consciousness.
Most people find touching clay is a pleasant experience.
Clay therapists use clay to work with all age groups from three upwards.
Children and adolescents engage with clay in a purposeful way helping them to release feelings.
Individual adults, couples and groups find that once clay has been touched by them in a therapy session an outlet for expression has been activated.

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